Thursday, 25 June 2009

The Role of Soldier in the Defense of India

Every country whether it is big or small must and should have defense forces. The defense forces are of three kinds - Army, Navy and Air force. The strength of each force depends upon the area of the country. The real guard and protector of the country and its citizens are the soldier and not the politician. Protecting and safe-guarding the borders of the country are very great indeed. The security and stability of the nation depends to a large extent on him. A soldier's life is a disciplined one and a week and feeble person cannot become a soldier.

A person after joining as a soldier has to undergo for rigorous training. This is very difficult and hard time for him. He has to obey the orders of his commander. He must act according to the order his superiors. When there is a war, he is face to face death. He takes it as a normal thing. He fights to the last in order to save his Mother-land. Away from home, away from his parents, wife and children, a Soldier's life is really of a great sacrifice. For him defence of the country is his utmost is duty.

When there is strike, communal conflicts, flood there comes our army to help the people. Each individual, whether he is a teacher, or a clerk, or a doctor, or a worker plays his own role in his own way. But a role which a soldier plays in safeguarding the borders of our Mother-land is unique paramount. In the Himalaya, Kashmir and Pakistan border our soldier has taken their position. These areas are very cold and everything will be frozen. He has to face so many hardships.

What the government pays is not a great for his service. The condition of our soldier's life is really a pathetic one. During china's attack on India 'the condition of our Army was miserable. They had no warm clothes; no modern weapons no proper food and other things. Therefore our Army suffered a lot. But now the government has taken some measures to improve their social, economic conditions.The Soldiers motto is- "Theirs' is not to make reply,

Theirs' is not to reason why,
Theirs' is but to do and die".

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